Chemical Industry
Corrosion in the chemical processing industry whittles away a monstrous sum every year. Our revolutionary solutions can help chemical producers with products based on carbon to solve material problems in the most highly corrosive environments. Electrographite Carbon Co. offers excellent corrosion resistance components and typical products are as follows:
- Impervious Graphite Equipment such as:
- Chemical Equipment and Graphite Heat Exchangers
- Sulphuric Acid Dilution Cooling Units
- Dry HCl (Hydrochloric) Gas Generation Units
- HCl (Hydrochloric) Synthesis Units
- HCl (Hydrochloric) Absorption Systems
- Thermometer Pockets
- Centrifugal Pumps
- Pipes, Valves and Fittings
- Ejector Systems
- Non-stick Teflon products such as:
- PFA, PTFE & FEP Tubing
- ETFE Tubing & Convoluted Tubing
- FEP & PFA Heat Shrinkable Tubing
- Teflon Roller Covers
- Reprographic
- Shatter Resistant & Fluorosafe Lamp Covers
- FEP & PFA Rod and Custom Applications
- Teflon Flange Shields & Gas Sampling Bag
- Standard Films & Sheets